
I knew this would work out this way.  I’ve been planning the boys rooms for months now; drawing up plans, making lists, shopping and diy’ing my little heart out.  I knew though that no matter how much I thought I’d gotten done that this part would come.  The part where there are 10 weeks to go and I have 7 separate to-do lists working at the same time.   A few are not a big deal, stuff we are paying other people to do like clean our carpet, etc.  The rest, like say 6 of them are.  There is a load of stuff I want to do and can’t wait for like sewing projects and getting the art that’s been in the bottom of the baby’s closet for months up on the walls.  There’s a load more that I’d like to just take a really long nap and have someone wake me when it’s over.

Having one new person come live here has put our whole top floor in chaos. Nate’s room is growing up, his furniture is expected in next week.  Of course that’s just the beginning, god forbid I just switch out his crib.  I’ve chosen a bed and a dresser for him that work but aren’t perfect, nothing was so I went with good bones and am revamping it some.  Not a ton, just all new knobs and re-doing the top of the dresser. I’m insane, who buys brand new furniture with plans to paint it? Me. My poor husband.  I also have a little sewing, some lamp magic and then I have to get his new space redesigned (drawn out but the art placement isn’t 100% yet)- he needs sheets and a mattress pad, too.  Then is his closet, I need to organize it again and get his winter stuff packed up completely, right now there are a heap of sweaters on the floor waiting for me to put away.  But when this is done, oh, I will be so happy!  I know it will be worth it and I will love his new room.  I just wish someone would help Mike move the nursery furniture out so I don’t have to.

The baby’s room is still a guest room.  The closet has everything in it I need to move forward though.  The only thing I don’t have is the crib bedding which we’re having custom-made and the drape fabric (I’m sewing) that the seamstress has ordered for me.  Other than those things I have everything I need to do his space.  But, the guest bed has to come down and the headboard is going into our room.  We have to move the armoire to the basement. That god forsaken 32 inch broken TV is still in there (the one Mike promised me he would take care of before Nate was born!) I have to paint, sew, decorate and get Nate’s new-born clothes sorted through and stock the dresser and closet, taking inventory of what’s missing between the hand me downs and what I’ve been grabbing here and there.  I also have a list of needs, diapers, no dye laundry soap, nursing supplies, the stuff that’s necessary but not exciting to shop for. I’ve given myself permission to save that for after the room is finished.

Lastly, our room.  I mentioned that we are taking the headboard from the guest room; I’m hoping to get our room and bath its makeover in time, too.  Painting both rooms, new night tables, sewing curtains and later in the summer or early fall, dressers.  I’m excited to have our room done after all of these years of talking and doing nothing.  It wont be my original vision but the rate we are going we could end up using these broken dressers and tv trays for 10 more years before we get off our ass’ and do something about it.

I know this all sounds so insane I know it is and this isn’t even covering the deep clean list I have that includes needing to borrow a ladder (which MIKE will be using, not me) to dust the 2nd story cobwebs.  Or the fact that I haven’t planted a single flower yet. I just know that once Olive has joined us life is going to come to a screeching halt and we will be home most of the time while we are sleep deprived and have visitors. I look forward to slowing down (HAHAHAH!) and being home but since I can foresee it I want the house to be closer to finished.  I know I wont be able or interested in taking on any projects for months after his arrival which makes me really want to get as much done now as I can. I need my home to feel good, and I know my personality too well; I can’t bring a kid into this place without a certain level of perfection knowing that it’s all going to be covered in breast milk and spit up in no time.

Is this normal nesting or do I have an illness?  Ha!  Don’t answer that.

4 thoughts on “Overwhelmed

  1. Nah, you sound right on schedule to me. I was thrilled to get both boys’ rooms complete before Hola came along. And you are right, I didn’t have the time, nor the desire to start anything I knew I couldn’t finish after he arrived. He’s 2 and I am just getting to some stuff I have been sitting on since before he was born.

    Looking forward to seeing pictures!!

    How far apart are the boys going to be?

  2. Well, I am not a huge nester. Well, mainly I am not great at decorating although I do have ideas for some things. So, your list is way more than I would tackle, but I don’t think it is more than many other women. I would just set out your priorities and as the nesting urge strikes – cross things off. I was surprised at the amount of deep cleaning I did do the month before AJU6 was born. I didn’t do much before AJU5 was born because I worked full time until I went into labor (minus a few hours)…

  3. This is all just so awesome. I was this same way, taking everything on – especially the cleaning. Everything in Maddie’s room had to be JUST SO. I actually went in and straightened things up right after my water broke. 🙂

    I can’t wait to see pictures of all the finished awesomeness! Because I KNOW that if anyone can get it done, it’s you.

  4. Sounds just like me! I have about nine rooms going right about now. And about ten lists. The good news we are a lot closer to being done than I thought I’d be, and I’ve resigned myself to the idea that some stuff will get done after the baby gets here. This yard thing has also been an excellent distraction – I totally recommend signing up for a backyard makeover in between Weeks 34 and 35.

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